Climate and average monthly weather in Torres del Paine
When is the best time to explore Patagonia?
Temperature in Torres del Paine National Park
The highest temperatures in Patagonia are during the summer months (winter in the northern hemisphere), when they can reach around 18 °C. The lowest temperatures are during the winter months and can drop down to -2°C at night.
But don’t be fooled by just the temperature alone, even during the summer month it is a high possibility that it rains every day. The perceived temperature can be way lower.
Visitors in National Park Torres del Paine
Make sure always to wear sunscreen. It is mandatory to add sunglasses to your trekking gear, to protect your eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light – especially with the infamous ozone “hole”. Be particularly careful if you are trekking on glaciers or encounter snow during your trek.
The UV light is so strong that thousands of sheep are losing their sight every year.
A hat or cap can be quite nice to have on a more extended trip, but make sure they are wind-proof.
Rainy Days in Torres del Paine
Sunshine hours in Torres del Paine
In Patagonia, it is normal that the wind speeds reach up to 100 km/h during a regular day. Keep this in mind while crossing a mountain ridge or while walking over a field of loose stones.
A wind protected campsite is a pleasure after a long and tiring day on the trek.
Windy Days in Torres del Paine
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